To begin with, what does the bible say about giving gifts?

In His final hours with His disciples, Jesus gives them a new commandment to put love as the center of their lives by washing their feet as a powerful example of how to serve one another.

You have a new commandment from me: Love one another as I have loved you and practice reciprocal love. If you show one another love, then everyone will know that you are my disciples. John 13:35.

The early church reportedly took this doctrine to heart, according to the book of Acts. Believers met together in their homes to break bread, teach and worship, and they also sold their possessions and shared freely with those in need (Acts 2:45 and Acts 4:35)

The body of Christ is meant to be a loving community that openly provides for one another’s needs as well as just because it can.

It’s important to keep in mind that giving began with God, and that our own gifts are a way for us to praise Him and show others His love as we enter the Christmas season in Park Regency.

For more information, keep reading.

Gifts Come From God

Every good gift originates with God in heaven, as stated in James 1:17. Being the Father of all lights, he is without any darkness. The Bible makes it abundantly clear that while God does not determine our course of action, he sincerely desires to bestow good things upon us.

We honor the daily favors that God bestows upon us when we give and receive in the same spirit—that is, when we want other people to enjoy good things because we care about them.

What Does The Bible Say About Giving Gifts All You Want To Know
What Does The Bible Say About Giving Gifts? All You Want To Know

Good Works Are Also Gifts

1 According to Timothy 6:18–19, we should be abundant in good deeds and willing to give to others. It’s important to remember that not all gifts are material. Occasionally, showing someone you care during the holidays is the best gift you can give them. People congregate during this season of the year for a reason.

During the month of December, seniors living in assisted living facilities can make more time to visit with friends, even if it’s just to listen to them talk or share a cup of coffee. Additionally, they can host family members to come and eat with them in communal dining areas. If you have the means, you might also want to look into opportunities to help those in your neighborhood, whether that means taking part in a coat drive, creating blankets for children in need, or donating food to a rescue mission.

See more about Christmas Eve Gift

We Each Have Different Gifts

According to Romans 12:6, God has given each of us gifts that we can use for his glory. This is something that Christ taught us. The holidays can be a wonderful time to use your gifts for that reason—to highlight Jesus while spreading joy to others. Let your light shine as you reach out to others this season, whether you enjoy singing or playing the piano and can help lead an impromptu holiday carol session in your assisted living community or you have skills as a craftsperson or artisan and can make thoughtful gifts for others.