It’s time to start working on your new year’s to-do list now that the Christmas festivities are over and you’ve had your fill of eggnog and carols. Who is at the top of that list? writing letters of gratitude to those who gave you gifts for Christmas.

If you’re feeling tempted to make an informal resolution to procrastinate indefinitely on this task, you’re not alone. But it’s actually much simpler to do than you might imagine. We’ve got lots of ideas for you to pick and choose from, and you can use them as jump-starters for your own personal messages, or find a line or two that work perfectly for your particular situation. We’ll get you through this quickly if you follow the advice provided below!

Before writing a Christmas gift thank you note, there are a few things to keep in mind. How close are you to the person who gave you the gift? Are you in a business or personal relationship with them? Do you think the gift is the most appalling, pointless, ridiculous, or useless thing you’ve ever seen, or did you like it?

We’ve divided things up into several likely scenarios with a few options for each because there are so many different situations you could find yourself in. You’ll need to keep in mind that every Christmas gift scenario is unique and necessitates a particular message style and tone. As a result, if you need to write five thank-you notes for Christmas gifts, you might need to choose a theme from each of the five categories listed below.

Having said that, you can always choose to simplify your life by taking the easy way out and using a generic approach. This is a totally acceptable option (although I usually prefer something more specifically suited to the person and situation). However, if time is of the essence, it might be the best course of action.

30 Christmas Thank You Messages

1. With this holiday gift, you really outdid yourself. I really do love it because it is extraordinary. I appreciate the time and effort you put into finding something so amazingly special, different, and appropriate for me. Your family and I wish you a happy, prosperous, and safe New Year. I hope you and your family had a special Christmas.

2. I sincerely appreciate your wonderful Christmas gift, which you gave to me. For a very long time to come, I know I will treasure it. It will forever serve as a treasured memento of our enduring friendship.

3. I appreciate your amazing gift very much. I’ll use it throughout the remainder of this holiday season and I’ll think of you every time I do. An enjoyable and happy Christmas to you and your loved ones.

17. To express my gratitude for the wonderful gift you gave me, I just wanted to reach out. There are no limits to your generosity. I feel so blessed to be able to call you a friend. I hope your Christmas was truly memorable, and in the coming year, I wish you happiness and health.

18. We appreciate all of your wonderful help and friendship this past year. One of the things I value most in life is your friendship, and now I get to enjoy your amazing Christmas present on top of that. I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas season and please give my love to your lovely family. I’m eager to speak with you again soon.

19. I hope you understand how much I truly appreciate your Christmas gift. Really, you are very considerate and always put others before yourself. There are not enough words to express my gratitude.

20. I appreciate the thoughtful gift you gave me. It gave the already stunning day a little more glimmer. I hope your Christmas is full of love, laughter, holiday cheer, and a bit of magic. Also, happy new year!

21. I was deeply moved by your thoughtful Christmas gift. I hope you have the chance to spoil yourself a little by relaxing and doing the things you love over this holiday season.

22. Thank you very much for thinking of me during this Christmas season. The wonderful gift you got for me is wonderful. I’m going to use it and adore it forever, in fact.

23. You’ve shown me that you really do know who I am by giving me this lovely Christmas present. I appreciate your wonderful gift, and I want you to understand how close we are and how much I value it.

24. I appreciate your thoughtfulness in sending me such a wonderful Christmas gift; I will use it to its fullest. When we can catch up in the New Year, I’m eager to tell you about it.

25. I wish you a Merry Christmas that will always be cherished. I will always value your gift and keep it as a memento of our enjoyable interactions. Thank you again.

26. Please accept my sincere gratitude for the wonderful Christmas present. The news that you would be hosting a sizable family gathering this Christmas made me happy. I wish you the joy and happiness you so richly deserve.

27. I appreciate the Christmas present. I want you to know how much your kindness, generosity, and tenderness mean to me. This year’s best present is actually my friendship with you. Happy New Year, my friend!

28. I appreciate you sharing the Christmas spirit with others this season. I’m grateful to have received your gift because it means a lot to me. I sincerely appreciate it.

29. Thank you so much for the wonderful and thoughtful gift, on behalf of our family to yours. You are such a beloved member of our family, and we wish you a joyful, humorous, and filled with everything you love Christmas.

30. I’m so grateful for this Christmas gift from you. This year, you really surpassed my wildest expectations. To know someone as generously selfless as you makes me feel so fortunate. I hope that you and your family had a wonderful Christmas and I wish you all a happy and healthy new year.

31. I appreciate the perfect Christmas present, and I’m grateful. It brought a huge smile to my face and even more joy to my holiday. I hope you have a fantastic Christmas, and I look forward to catching up soon.

Christmas gift

32. We are so appreciative of your year-round generosity. If I didn’t have a friend like you, I really don’t know where I would be in life. I’m grateful that you moved me.

33. I appreciate you being such a shining example of virtue. Already, your gift has brought laughter and joy into my life. I will always value it. Happy holidays and a prosperous new year.

34. We want to express our gratitude for your wonderful gift and wish you a happy and enchanted Christmas from our family to yours. We are incredibly appreciative of the fun times, memorable moments, and shared experiences we have had this year and we look forward to making many more in the coming year.

35. I appreciate the very kind gift you gave me. I wish you and your loved ones a truly magical Christmas filled with joy, laughter, and love. I also wish your tree was laden with wonderful presents.

36. I want to express my gratitude for thinking of me this Christmas. Knowing that you are thinking of me makes me feel so loved. I value our friendship and your gift greatly because it is truly something special.

37. Merry Christmas, a Happy New Year, and much joy to you and your loved ones. Accept my sincere gratitude for the wonderfully thoughtful gift. My family and I were so happy to receive it and to think of you.

38. The depth of my gratitude for your Christmas gift is beyond my ability to convey. I hope I can provide you with something equally as memorable because I adore it. I send you my very best wishes for the upcoming year.

39. I hope you have a warm, happy, and joyous holiday season filled with love and laughter. I appreciate your very thoughtful gift very much. At the earliest opportunity, I look forward to using it.

40. I am truly incredibly appreciative and overjoyed to have received such a remarkable gift. You are in my life, and you make this Christmas even more joyous. You are my best friend, and I am so grateful for that.

41. We didn’t get to spend Christmas with you this year in person. But we are sincerely appreciative of your wonderful gift. Despite the fact that we are so far apart in distance, it made us feel as though you were closer. We wish you a Merry Christmas and look forward to seeing you soon.

42. We wish you a wonderful, tranquil, and happy Christmas. Thank you for making ours so memorable with your wonderful gift and beautiful words.

43. I’m truly grateful for your lovely Christmas gift, which I can never adequately express in words. During this extremely busy time, it is the best feeling to know that you specifically chose something for me. I sincerely appreciate your kind generosity, which never ends.

44. I appreciate you choosing such a wonderful Christmas present for me. It is by far one of my favorite gifts of all time. We greatly appreciate your thoughtfulness. Again, I’m grateful, my friend.